Volume 39 Issue 10
Oct.  2024
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Article Contents
Yuhang Wang, Xuhong Zhou, Lin Yang, Lixian Zhang, Wei Ren, Jiulin Bai, Kang Wang. Current Status and Development Trend of Supporting Structures for Wind Turbines[J]. STEEL CONSTRUCTION(Chinese & English), 2024, 39(10): 1-13. doi: 10.13206/j.gjgS24070220
Citation: Yuhang Wang, Xuhong Zhou, Lin Yang, Lixian Zhang, Wei Ren, Jiulin Bai, Kang Wang. Current Status and Development Trend of Supporting Structures for Wind Turbines[J]. STEEL CONSTRUCTION(Chinese & English), 2024, 39(10): 1-13. doi: 10.13206/j.gjgS24070220

Current Status and Development Trend of Supporting Structures for Wind Turbines

doi: 10.13206/j.gjgS24070220
  • Received Date: 2024-07-02
    Available Online: 2024-11-06
  • The development of wind power is an important path to achieve the "dual carbon" goals. Compared to Europe, Chinese wind power industry started later but has developed rapidly. Currently, Chinese wind power industry has entered the stage of on-grid parity and is facing a trend towards larger turbines, which poses higher requirements for the stability, safety, and economy of the wind turbine support structures (including the tower and foundation). For onshore wind turbines, the current widely used tower designs include full-steel and steel-concrete composite structures. Research on full-steel structures focuses mainly on local buckling and structural optimization, while the challenges in steel-concrete composite structures lie in the design of joints and concrete fatigue. When the hub heights exceed 140 meters, the steel-concrete composite tower is typically employed for the current design. In addition, lattice and truss towers for wind turbines have significant advantages for ultra-high towers, with various prototypes already connected to the grid. Regarding the foundations for onshore wind turbines, cast-in-place concrete foundations are widely used in the wind industry for their simplicity and adaptability, while prefabricated concrete foundations are an important development direction for enhancing construction efficiency. For fixed offshore wind turbine foundations, single-pile foundations are the simplest in structure and the most widely used. Gravity-based foundations, suction caissons, and multi-pile foundations have significant construction difficulties and have not yet been widely adopted. Conduit rack foundations, due to their high rigidity and stability, are experiencing a faster growth in application. As the development shifts from nearshore shallow waters to deeper waters, floating offshore wind foundations are emerging as a new development direction, including semi-submersible, tension leg, monopile, and barge-mounted designs. By the end of 2023, the total installed capacity of floating wind power in the world will not exceed 500 MW, indicating significant room for growth. At present, the supporting structures for wind turbine units still face issues such as incomplete design theories, a lack of generic design software with independent intellectual property rights, and an undeveloped technical standards system. In the future, it is necessary to focus on related work in these areas.
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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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