Volume 38 Issue 12
Dec.  2023
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Article Contents
Faxing Ding, Yunlong Xu, Liping Wang, Fei Lyu, Linli Duan, Zhiwu Yu. State of Art and Future Insights of the Seismic Performance of Steel-Concrete Composite Structures[J]. STEEL CONSTRUCTION(Chinese & English), 2023, 38(12): 1-26. doi: 10.13206/j.gjgS23062902
Citation: Faxing Ding, Yunlong Xu, Liping Wang, Fei Lyu, Linli Duan, Zhiwu Yu. State of Art and Future Insights of the Seismic Performance of Steel-Concrete Composite Structures[J]. STEEL CONSTRUCTION(Chinese & English), 2023, 38(12): 1-26. doi: 10.13206/j.gjgS23062902

State of Art and Future Insights of the Seismic Performance of Steel-Concrete Composite Structures

doi: 10.13206/j.gjgS23062902

The authors wish to acknowledge the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51978664).

  • Received Date: 2023-06-29
    Available Online: 2024-01-27
  • Steel-concrete composite structures that meeting the needs of national new-type urbanization construction were widely used in urban and high seismic precautionary intensity areas due to outstanding flexural stiffness, bearing capacity, ductility, and convenient construction. In the background of enhancing seismic precautionary criterion of engineering structures, studying the seismic performance of steel-concrete composite structures, further improving their seismic toughness, and establishing seismic design methods with higher toughness for steel-concrete composite structures are of great significance in promoting the achievement of China’s “dual carbon” target in building structures.
    The authors summarized the research progress on the seismic performance of steel-concrete composite structures, including experimental research on the hysteresis performance of steel-concrete composite beams, CFST columns, and composite joints, as well as pseudo-static, pseudo-dynamic, and shaking table tests of steel-concrete composite structural systems. Various seismic analysis models and methods were compared, and some existing problems and directions for further research were proposed in this paper.
    Based on the analysis of the current research, the conclusions and prospects are as follows: 1) Steel beams are the main energy dissipation components of composite beams, and increasing the cross section of steel beams can improve the energy dissipation capacity of composite beams. CFST columns mainly rely on steel tube and core concrete for energy dissipation, and the strengthened restraint measure of the column end stirrup-confined can be taken to directly constrain the core concrete, transforming it from brittle to plastic, thereby enhancing the energy dissipation capacity of frame columns. Compared with other types of composite joints, the energy dissipation capacity of rigid connection composite joints is stronger; 2) Beams are the major energy dissipation components of frame structures in rarely occurred earthquakes. However, it will significantly increase engineering costs when beams act as the major energy dissipation components in extremely rare earthquakes. As is well known, the probability of extremely rare earthquakes occurring is extremely low. If some strengthened restraint measures are taken, which enable the columns to have energy dissipation capacity and participate in energy dissipation, the structure can own the ability to resist extremely rare earthquakes while increasing costs appropriately. Therefore, the seismic design concept of composite structures can be advanced from “strong columns and weak beams with beam energy dissipation mainly” in rarely occurred earthquakes to “beams and columns energy dissipation together” in extremely rare earthquakes; 3) The software for fiber model based on the assumption of flat cross-section is usually suitable for the stages of elastic and elastic-plastic in small deformation, while this assumption will fail in the stage of large plastic deformation. Dynamic simulation of composite structural systems under strong earthquakes requires overcoming the assumed conditions of small elastic-plastic deformation stage, and it is an effective method to use the triaxial elastic-plastic constitutive model of concrete and the corresponding solid & shell element during the stage of large plastic deformation; 4) Shear wall structures with advantages of good integrity and high lateral stiffness have weaker seismic resistance under traditional construction. In order to enhance the energy dissipation capacity of shear wall structures, measures such as steel-concrete composite coupling beams, steel reinforced concrete coupling beams, or steel coupling beams, as well as steel reinforced concrete or CFST wall piers can be adopted; 5) Engineering structures face various disasters during their use stage. Traditional design methods based on independent various external loads neglects the coupling mechanism of multiple disasters, making it difficult for the structure to meet the usage requirements under multiple disasters. Therefore, establishing safe and reliable multi-disaster design methods and structural systems is a major task for structural engineers in the field of disaster prevention and reduction.
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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