Volume 36 Issue 10
Jan.  2022
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Zhao Xu, Huaifeng Li, Chaoqiang Zhang, Hongjiao Zhao, Xueyuan Ma. Effect of Slab-Truss Combination Pattern on Fatigue Damage of Integral Joint in Steel Truss Bridge[J]. STEEL CONSTRUCTION(Chinese & English), 2021, 36(10): 42-49. doi: 10.13206/j.gjgS21051301
Citation: Zhao Xu, Huaifeng Li, Chaoqiang Zhang, Hongjiao Zhao, Xueyuan Ma. Effect of Slab-Truss Combination Pattern on Fatigue Damage of Integral Joint in Steel Truss Bridge[J]. STEEL CONSTRUCTION(Chinese & English), 2021, 36(10): 42-49. doi: 10.13206/j.gjgS21051301

Effect of Slab-Truss Combination Pattern on Fatigue Damage of Integral Joint in Steel Truss Bridge

doi: 10.13206/j.gjgS21051301
  • Received Date: 2021-05-13
    Available Online: 2022-01-11
  • The interaction effect between the deck system and the main truss of the steel truss bridge will significantly affect the internal force of the longitudinal and transverse beams and the stiffness of the main bridge, thus affecting the stress level of the connection details between the overall joints and the corresponding stressed members, and then affecting the fatigue damage effect of the relevant structural details. Semi-combined and fully combined slab-truss combination are the two most commonly used forms of steel-concrete composite bridge deck system. Different combination methods have a significant impact on the interaction effect between bridge deck system and main truss. In order to explore the effect of slab-truss combination on the fatigue damage characteristics of the integral joints of a typical steel truss bridge, taking a wide and long-span steel truss bridge as an example, the most unfavorable integral joint positions corresponding to the two types of structural details are determined by analyzing the internal force distribution law which controlling the fatigue damage characteristics of the connection details between the beam and the joint as well as the butt joint details between the lower chord of the main truss and the joint. Based on the equivalent structural stress method and the linear damage accumulation theory, the multi-scale fatigue damage analysis is carried out, and the stress history of the main cracking modes of the two types of structural details under the standard fatigue load is determined, so as to analyze the fatigue damage characteristics of the two types of structural details. Based on the series failure model, the controlled fatigue cracking mode of the integral joint is determined, so as to quantify the effect of the slab-truss combination on the fatigue damage of the integral joint.
    The results show that:compared with the semi-combined method, the full combined method of steel truss bridge will significantly improve the stiffness of the main bridge, so as to reduce the out of plane bending moment of the beam and the internal force of the main truss chord, but it has no obvious effect on the in-plane bending moment of the beam; the most disadvantageous position of the integral joint is the joint near the support, and the most disadvantageous position of the butt joint detail between the lower chord of the main truss and the joint is the joint near the mid span. There is no difference in the most disadvantageous joint position between the two types of slab-truss combination; compared with the semi-combination method, the full combination method reduces the equivalent structural stress amplitude of the connection details between the beam and the joint by more than 60%, and the equivalent structural stress amplitude of the butt joint details between the lower chord of the main truss and the joint by 80%; the controlled fatigue cracking mode of the integral joint is that the crack starts at the weld toe of the joint plate connecting the upper flange of the transverse beam and the joint plate. The fatigue damage degree of the integral joint under the full combination mode is 64% lower than that under the semi-combination mode. The slab-truss combination mode will have a significant impact on the deck interaction effect of steel truss bridge, so as to change the stress state of longitudinal and transverse beams and main truss members of the deck system, and then have a significant impact on the fatigue damage of the integral joint. Therefore, the impact of the interaction effect of bridge deck and main truss should be fully considered when evaluating the fatigue performance of the integral joint.
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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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