Volume 35 Issue 6
Aug.  2020
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Guoqiang Li. Progress of Research on High-Strength Structural Steel Connections[J]. STEEL CONSTRUCTION(Chinese & English), 2020, 35(6): 1-40. doi: 10.13206/j.gjgS20052505
Citation: Guoqiang Li. Progress of Research on High-Strength Structural Steel Connections[J]. STEEL CONSTRUCTION(Chinese & English), 2020, 35(6): 1-40. doi: 10.13206/j.gjgS20052505

Progress of Research on High-Strength Structural Steel Connections

doi: 10.13206/j.gjgS20052505
  • Received Date: 2020-03-25
  • The application of high-strength steel in steel structures can reduce steel consumption and increase the cost efficiency of steel structures in terms of welding work, transportation and installation. Due to the different mechanical properties between high-strength steel and normal-strength steel, domestic and foreign researchers have carried out a number of studies to support the application of high-strength steel in structures. In addition to the design of high-strength steel members, the efficient design of connections between high-strength steel members are also necessary for the successful application of the high-strength steel structure in engineering practice. This paper introduces the research progress of the two important connection methods, welded and bolted connections, of high-strength steel structures, including the research progress on load-bearing performance of high-strength steel butt welded joints and fillet welded joints, the bearing performance of slip-critical bolted connections and bearing-type bolted connections, as well as the resistance of Grade 12.9 high-strength bolts to hydrogen-induced delayed fracture (HIDF). The existing research conclusions and recent research progress in Tongji University are summarized and highlighted, and the prospection of future research work is presented.
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