Development and Practice of Steel Structure Technology for Industrial Buildings
摘要: 为全面掌握工业建筑钢结构技术的发展和实践历程,首先,从钢结构在工业建筑领域应用的起源开始回顾国内钢结构在工业建筑中的发展脉络,总结了门式刚架轻型钢结构、多高层钢结构在工业建筑中的应用概况;然后,着重梳理了钢结构在工业建筑应用中常见技术如材料性能、构件连接、防腐防火、设计理论、规范标准、构件制造的研究及发展现状;最后,针对工业建筑钢结构技术发展中尚存在的设计理论欠缺、标准化型材应用率不足、钢结构产业链效能偏低、国内标准与国际标准的差异等问题,提出了未来的研究和发展方向。Abstract: To comprehensively grasp the development and practice trajectory of steel structures in industrial buildings, the article begins from tracing the origin of steel structure industrial buildings, reviews the development context of domestic steel structure industrial buildings, and summarizes the application status of portal frame lightweight steel structures and multi-story steel structure industrial buildings. Then, the research and development status of common technologies in industrial buildings is emphasized, including material performance, component connections, corrosion and fire protection, design theories, regulatory standards, and component manufacturing. Finally, focusing on the existing issues in steel structure technology in industrial buildings, such as deficiencies in design theories, inadequate application rates of standardized profiles, low efficiency of the steel structure industry chain, and inconsistencies between domestic and international standards, the future research and development directions are put forward.
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