Finite Element Analysis on the Concrete-Filled Square Steel Tubular Pure Bending Members Encased with CFRP Profile Under Cyclic Loading
摘要: 碳纤维增强复合材料(CFRP)具有强度高、耐腐蚀性好等特点,将工字形CFRP型材内置于钢管混凝土结构中形成新型组合构件,不仅可以提高构件的力学性能,还可以减少材料用量、降低结构自重、减小构件截面尺寸,更适用于超高层、大跨度、重载荷等建筑结构。钢管混凝土柱作为建筑结构中的主要抗侧力构件,在经受地震作用时往往决定着整体结构的抗震性能,直接关系到人们的生命及财产安全。目前国内外相关设计规范及标准均不适用于新型组合构件的抗震设计,因此,亟需对其抗震性能展开深入研究。
结果表明:内置CFRP型材方钢管混凝土纯弯构件的荷载-位移骨架曲线可定义为三个阶段:弹性阶段、弹塑性阶段和下降阶段。通过对典型构件进行受力全过程分析可知,构件处于弹性阶段与弹塑性阶段时,相比于核心混凝土和工字形CFRP型材,钢管主要承担荷载作用;在下降阶段时,CFRP型材承担荷载比例有所提高,说明内置CFRP型材可有效提高构件在加载后期的承载力及延性,故与普通钢管混凝土构件相比,CFRP型材较好的抗拉性能使得新型组合构件的抗弯性能得到明显的改善。基于大量参数分析结果可知:含钢率对内置CFRP型材方钢管混凝土柱的承载力及耗能能力均有显著影响,当钢管壁厚由4~7 mm每增加1 mm时,其抗弯承载力分别提高13.83%、8.99%、9.10%,由此可见,钢管壁厚为5 mm时最为经济,累积耗能平均提高约16.57%;钢管作为受力全过程中主要承担纯弯荷载的部件,其强度的改变对构件滞回性能的影响也较大,当钢材强度由Q235提高至Q420时,构件的抗弯承载力提高约30.13%、累积耗能提高约12.45%,并且抗弯承载力随强度的提高呈线性增长;核心混凝土的抗压强度对构件承载力及耗能能力影响均较小,随着混凝土强度的提高,其抗弯承载力提高的幅度逐渐减小,当由C30提高至C60时,其累积耗能仅提高约3.44%。因此,内置CFRP型材的方钢管混凝土构件相比于普通钢管混凝土构件具有更好的抗震性能,且建议通过改变钢材屈服强度和含钢率的方式来提高新型组合构件的承载能力,这是最为经济的。Abstract: Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) has the characteristics of high-strength and good corrosion resistance. Encased I-shaped CFRP profile into concrete-filled square steel tubular structure (CFRP-CFSST) forming a new-typed composite member can not only improve the mechanical properties of the member, but also reduce the material consumption, the dead weight of the structure and the cross-sectional size of the member. It is more suitable for super high-rise, large-span and heavy-load structures. As a critical lateral force-resisting member in structures, CFST often determines the seismic performance of the whole structure when subjected to an earthquake, which is directly related to the safety of people's lives and property. At present, the relevant design codes and standards around the world are not suitable for the seismic design of new composite members, so it is necessary to carry out in-depth research on its seismic performance.
In this paper, finite element analysis software, ABAQUS, was used to study the seismic performance of the flexural behavior of CFRP-CFSST pure bending members. Firstly, considering the accuracy and applicability, the finite element model was verified with the existing literature, and a large number of refined models of CFRP-CFSST pure bending members were established based on the verified model. Then, on this basis, the whole process of stress analysis and stress analysis of each component at characteristic points were carried out based on the typical member. Finally, the effects of concrete compressive strength, steel yield strength and steel ratio on the flexural capacity and energy dissipation capacity of CFRP-CFSST pure bending members were studied.
The simulation results indicated that the load-displacement envelope curves of the CFRP-CFSST pure bending member can be defined as three stages: elastic stage, elastoplastic stage and descending stage. Through the whole process analysis of typical members, in the elastic stage and elastoplastic stage, the load is mainly borne by the steel tube compared to the core concrete and I-shaped CFRP profiles. In the descending section, the load-bearing ratio of the CFRP profile increases, which shows that the encased CFRP profile can effectively improve the bearing capacity and ductility of members in the later loading stage. Therefore, compared with ordinary CFST members, the better tensile performance of CFRP profile efficiently improves the flexural performance of new composite members. Based on the parametric analysis results, the steel ratio has a significant effect on the bearing capacity and energy dissipation capacity of CFRP-CFSST members. When the steel tube thickness increases from 4 mm to 7 mm with an increment of 1 mm, the flexural bearing capacity of CFRP-CFSST members increases by 13. 83%, 8. 99% and 9. 10% respectively, which shows that a 5 mm steel tube thickness is most economic and the cumulative energy dissipation capacities increased by about 16. 57% on average. The steel tube is the main component that bears pure flexural load in the whole loading process, and the change in its strength also has a great influence on the hysteretic behavior of the members. When the steel strength increases from Q235 to Q420, the flexural bearing capacity of the members rises by about 30. 13%, the cumulative energy dissipation increases by about 12. 45%, and the flexural bearing capacity increases linearly with the increasing strength. The compressive strength of core concrete has a minor influence on the bearing capacity and energy dissipation capacity of members, and with the increase of concrete strength, the increase of flexural bearing capacity gradually decreases. When it is increased from C30 to C60, its cumulative energy dissipation capacities only increase by about 3. 44% . Therefore, compared with ordinary CFST members, CFRP-CFSST members have a better seismic performance, and most economic measures recommended are to improve the bearing capacity of new composite members by increasing the steel yield strength or steel ratio. -
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