New Development of High Strength Bolt Connections in Steel Structures
摘要: 高强度螺栓连接是钢结构现场连接的主要方式之一,在工程中广泛应用。随着科技的进步,高强度螺栓连接技术不断发展,高强度螺栓的新品种、新技术、新工艺、新设备不断涌现。对高强度螺栓连接技术新进展进行调查研究、总结概括,可以为高强度螺栓标准规范的修订提供参考,为设计、施工提供更多选择。高强度螺栓新品种主要包括12.9级及以上高强度螺栓、单向螺栓和环槽铆钉螺栓。目前国内对12.9级及以上高强度螺栓、单向螺栓和环槽铆钉螺栓进行了一定研究和工程示范,由于缺乏相关的标准规范支持,制约了其工程应用。针对高强度螺栓的新工艺调研了高强度螺栓预拉力指示器和防腐蚀技术,从这两种工艺的特点出发,对比分析了国内外学者的相关研究成果。新式预拉力指示器避免了传统预拉力指示器的人为施工误差,能够提高高强度螺栓预紧力施工的精确度;高强度螺栓镀锌防腐技术可以有效减缓螺栓腐蚀,减少后期维护保养。
国内外对于高强度螺栓连接设计方法存在差异,将国内外的标准规范进行比较,能够为现有规范的修订提供参考。国内外规范中关于螺栓撬力计算方法、最小螺栓预拉力、摩擦型高强度螺栓和承压型高强度螺栓的承载力计算方法的对比表明:1)中国规范中螺栓撬力的计算结果较为保守。2)中国规范中高强度螺栓预拉力规定值比美国规范规定值平均约小15%,比欧洲规范规定值平均约小10%。3)各国规范关于摩擦型高强度螺栓的抗剪承载力的计算式基本一致,但对于接触面处理方法的定义及对应的抗滑移系数的规定则各不相同。4)对于承压型高强度螺栓的孔壁承压强度,按照美国规范计算得到的承压强度最大,欧洲规范次之,中国规范最为保守;对于承压型高强度螺栓的抗拉和抗剪强度,按照欧洲规范计算得到的设计值最大,美国规范次之,中国规范最小。总体上,中国规范较国外规范保守。Abstract: As an effective structural connection between steel components, high strength bolt connection has been widely used in the construction filed nowadays. With the development of high strength bolt connection technology, new objects have shown up including new types of bolt, new technology, new equipment and so on. Investigation and conclusion of these new technologies have been conducted, which can provide the technical reference to the revision of the related specificitions as well as providing more choices for design and construction. The new types of high strength bolt consist of 12.9 and upper grade high strength bolt, blind bolt and ring groove rivet. Nowadays, there are research work and engineering practices of these new bolts in China, but engineering applications develop poor due to the absence of related specificitions. Investigation of new high strength bolt technology is mainly about bolt pretension indicator and bolt corrosion protection. Referring to their characteristics, comparison of these two technologies have been conducted among the research work worldwide. The new pretension indicator can eliminate the human error caused by using the traditional one, and therefore it can improve the accuracy of constructing bolt pretension. High strength bolt corrosion protection can effectively retard bolt corrosion, and therefore reduce the maintenance.
There are differences between domestic and foreign specificitions and comparison among these specificitions can provide references to the revision of current ones. Comparisons of calculation of bolt prying force and bolt pretension force as well as bearing capacity of friction-type and bearing-type high strength bolt connection among different specificitions have been conducted and show that: 1) Calculation results of bolt frying force from Chinese specificitions are more conservative. 2) The required bolt-pretension force in Chinese code is 15% smaller than that of American code and 10% smaller than that of European code. 3) The shear resistance formulas among different specificitions are consistent but the definition of contact surface and mean slip coefficient are different. 4) Bearing strength of bearing-type high strength bolt connection calculated from American code is the highest one and the higher one is from European code while the poorest one is from Chinese code. For tension strength and shear resistance, European code provides the highest values and European code shows the higher values while Chinese code provides with the poorest values. In general, Chinese code is conservative than foreign codes.-
Key words:
- high strength bolt /
- high strength bolt connection /
- design rules /
- specifications /
- new progress
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