Approximating Formulas for Out-of-Plane Stiffness of Flange Plates in Inner-Outer Flanges
摘要: 内外刚性法兰是一种高承载力的圆钢管连接形式,主要应用于大跨度钢管输电铁塔结构中的高强度构件连接,其轴向拉伸承载力除与螺栓数量和强度有关外,还取决于内外圈螺栓拉力比值。内外法兰的法兰板面外刚度则是计算该拉力比值的一个重要参数,受到了广泛关注。然而由于法兰板面外刚度涉及螺栓孔大小、几何参数及法兰形式等多种因素,致使其相应的力学平衡方程的边界条件十分复杂,难以获得为设计计算所利用的解析解。因此有必要对法兰板的面外刚度开展深入研究,以获得简明近似计算式。
考虑内外刚性法兰涉及的内法兰板和外法兰板形式,基于弹性薄板理论,首先建立了极坐标系下法兰板力学平衡方程和相应的边界条件。据此分析了法兰板各参数的相互影响,推导了相应的无量纲参数。根据实际工程中的无量纲参数取值范围,通过建立7 144个外法兰板和5 630个内法兰板的有限元模型,开展了参数敏感性分析。参数敏感性分析厘清了各无量纲参数对法兰板面外刚度影响的规律,同时明确了法兰板的受力特性。最后通过回归分析,提出了可用于内外法兰设计计算的面外刚度简明近似计算式。
结果表明:法兰板面外刚度可用无量纲法兰板挠度表征,随着法兰板厚度的增加和管径的减少,法兰板面外刚度增加;对于普通内外法兰,无量纲法兰板挠度总体上随螺栓数量和无量纲螺栓直径的增加而单调减小,即此时法兰板面外刚度增加;此外,当法兰板的环向长度和宽度比值较大时,法兰板受力类似于悬臂板,比值较小时法兰板受力类似于单向板,比值中等时法兰板受力为三边承力。统计表明,有限元结果和近似计算公式结果比值的平均值约为1.0,变异系数小于0.7%,表明该近似计算式可较好地估算法兰板面外刚度。Abstract: The inner-outer flange(IO flange) is a high-capacity connection for circular hollow section(CHS) tubes, and is mainly implemented in long-span tubular transmission towers for the connection of the high-strength members. The axial tension capacity of IO flanges depends not only on the number and strength of the bolts, but also on the ratio of the tension force of the inner bolt to that of the outer bolt. The out-of-plane stiffness of the flange plate in IO flanges is a crucial parameter in computing this ratio, and has received much attention. However, the analytic solution that is suitable for design is hard to be attained, since many parameters, e.g. the size of the bolt's hole, relationship between the geometrical parameters, and the type of flange, would be involved with regard to the out-of-plane flange stiffness, leading to the complex boundary conditions for the mechanical balance equations. Therefore, it is necessary to perform an in-depth study on the out-of-plane flange stiffness to attain a concise approximating equation for design.
Regarding the inner and the outer flange plates presented in the IO flanges, the mechanical balance equations with the corresponding boundary conditions based on the theory for elastic thin plates were first established in the polar coordinate system. Thereby, the mutual effects of the parameters of the flange plates were analyzed, and the corresponding non-dimensional parameters were derived. In accordance with the ranges of the non-dimensional parameters summarized from practice engineering, a parametric sensitive analysis was performed via 7 144 finite element(FE) models established for outer flange plates and 5 630 FE models for inner outer flange plates. The influences of the non-dimensional parameters on the out-of-plane stiffness of the flange plates were then clarified. Meanwhile the mechanical characteristics of the flange plate was clearly defined. Finally, a concise approximating equation for the out-of-plane stiffness of the flange plate was proposed, which was suitable for the design of IO flanges.
The results show that the out-of-plane stiffness of the flange plate can be characterized by the non-dimensional deflection of the flange plate. It is found that the out-of-plane stiffness of the flange plate increases with the increase of the flange plate thickness, as well as the decrease of the radius of tube. Overall, for common IO flanges, the non-dimensional deflection decreases with the increase of the number of the bolts, as well as the increase of the non-dimensional diameter of the bolts, which means the out-of-plane stiffness of the flanges would increase. In addition, if the ratio of the flange plate's circumferential length to the flange plate's width is relatively big, the flange plate subjected to the bolt force presents a state similar to the cantilever slab, and the loaded flange plate would be similar to the one-way slab if the length to width ratio is sufficiently small. Furthermore, a moderate ratio brings the plate into the triple-side force-bearing state. In terms of the ratio of the FE result to the result obtained via the approximating equation, the statistical results show that the mean value of the ratio is 1.0 and the coefficient of variance is less than 0.7%, which implies that the approximating equation is capable of well estimating the out-of-plane stiffness of the flange plates. -
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