摘要: 双钢板混凝土组合结构主要由双层钢板和内填混凝土组成,在核电厂房、高层建筑、防护结构等工程领域中得到了广泛应用。针对结构在服役期间可能受到的意外冲击作用,对双钢板混凝土组合结构及构件开展研究十分必要。通过对双钢板混凝土组合结构的发展应用和抗冲击性能的国内外研究现状进行评述,总结了冲击作用下双钢板混凝土组合结构的力学性能、局部破坏和整体响应计算方法等方面的最新研究成果,并对研究与实际应用中需要解决的关键问题进行了探讨。
- 双钢板混凝土组合结构 /
- 发展应用 /
- 抗冲击性能 /
- 计算方法 /
- 研究进展
Abstract: A steel-concrete composite (SC) structure consists of two steel faceplates and a core concrete. It has a wide application in engineering practice such as nuclear facilities, high-rise buildings, and protective structures, etc. With the structures exposed to unexpected impact loadings during its service life, it demonstrates a great necessity to investigate the impact resistance of SC structures and components. Based on the review of the development and application of SC structures and the investigations on its impact resistance at home and abroad, the performance of SC structures under impact loadings and the calculation methods for local damage and global response are summarized. Some suggestions on the key problems in the research and practical application of the structures are discussed. -
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