Historical and Technological Developments of Steel Bridges in Japan—A Review
摘要: 在日本,由于钢材具有良好的抗震性能、成熟的施工和制造技术,成本竞争力以及在跨越能力方面的优势,从而广泛用于桥梁结构。钢桥约占公路桥梁总数的38.3%。本文对日本的钢桥历史和技术发展进行了综述,主要包含结构分析、材料、标准的结构设计以及检测维护等四个方面。
日本钢桥的建造历史可以追溯到1868年。早期建造的桥梁没有统一的设计标准,第一部钢桥设计标准于1939年起草。该标准规定,日本的公路桥分为国道桥梁和县道桥梁两级,标准车辆荷载分别为13 t和9 t。自1950年以来,钢铁生产和焊接技术的发展取得了显著进步,并且设计和施工规范也定期更新以适应新技术的发展。日本在1960年进入了基础设施的大规模建设时期,主要是因为1964年的东京奥运会。在此期间,建造了现代斜拉桥和悬索桥,并开始进行本州四国联络桥的技术研究。此外,开始建设东海道新干线、首都高速公路、名神高速公路和东名高速公路等交通基础设施。钢桥结构相关的材料、分析、设计和施工技术得到了迅速发展和进步。2000年以后,钢桥的发展主要集中于降低建设成本、改善全寿命周期的设计、施工和维护等方面。
经过数十年的研究和实践,可以认为钢桥的技术和开发已经成熟。如今仍然存在两个挑战,第一个是开发更有效的结构体系和施工技术以降低成本。第二个是维护现有的钢桥,使其在整个使用寿命中都能有效地发挥作用。Abstract: This paper describes a historical review of steel bridge in Japan and its associated technological developments. The review is based on four basic technologies: structural analysis technology, material technology, structural design technology, measurement and maintenance technology. Steel production and welding technologies have progressed remarkably since the 1950s, and this influence the use of steel as material for bridges in Japan. As a result, materials, analysis and design technologies related to the steel bridge have progressed rapidly. The paper describes landmark technological development and constructed steel bridge in each era from late 1800s to year 2000s. Progress in production of higher quality of steel material and better understanding of mechanical aspect for safety and serviceability of steel structure from research and development are followed by updating design guidelines in an effort to standardize the use of higher quality and performance of steel material for bridge structures. -
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