Study on Tensile Performance of Square Tubular Column-Column Joints of Modular Steel Structure with Bidirectional Bolt Connection
摘要: 模块化钢结构建筑是一种新型装配式建筑,其具备较高的工业化水平,在国内得到了大力发展。雄安新区容城县贾光中学扩建项目工程采用模块化钢结构叠箱体系,为便于上下单元房模块间连接和安装,提出一种新型单元房承插式连接柱-柱节点,该节点通过螺栓与套筒实现上下柱连接,单元房之间竖向连接在风荷载作用以及多遇地震作用下不应发生竖向分离,对3个足尺节点试件进行抗拉试验,分析其破坏形态、螺栓剪力分布和抗拉承载能力等,探讨了节点有无注浆和螺栓数量对节点承载能力的影响;基于现有文献中高强螺栓抗剪承载力设计值计算方法,提出了该新型节点的抗拉强度设计公式;建立了可靠的数值模型,对螺栓数量和螺栓直径进行了参数分析,研究其对节点抗拉承载力的影响,并将参数化分析结果与理论计算结果进行对比。
研究结果表明:在轴向荷载作用下,试件均发生高强螺栓群剪切破坏,同时无浆节点试件发生内套筒孔壁压屈,灌浆节点试件出现灌浆料局部压溃现象,并伴随着钢材与灌浆料界面间的黏结破坏;试验加载前期,高强螺栓群所受剪力呈端部大、中心小的分布,加载后期,高强螺栓群的剪力差值逐渐减小,达到极限承载力时,高强螺栓群所受剪力趋于均匀分布;该新型节点依靠高强螺栓群抗剪承担轴向拉力荷载,单个螺栓的抗剪承载力平均值较GB 50017—2017《钢结构设计标准》计算值提高了76.9%;节点注入灌浆料后,灌浆料和高强螺栓协同工作,抗拉承载力较无浆节点提高14.1%;螺栓数量由3个增至5个,由于摩擦力增大和单个螺栓所受剪力的减小,节点抗拉承载力提高80.9%;增大螺栓直径,则弹性阶段螺栓预紧力提高、塑性阶段螺杆与孔壁的接触面积增大,节点的抗拉承载力增大;有限元参数化分析结果和理论计算结果误差均控制在10%以内,所提出的节点抗拉强度设计公式较为准确地预测了该新型节点在轴向拉力作用下的抗拉承载能力,为实际工程应用提供理论参考。Abstract: Modular steel structure building is a new type of prefabricated building, which has a high level of industrialization and has been vigorously developed in China. The expansion project of Jiaguang Middle School in Rongcheng County of Xiong’an New Area adopts modular steel structure laminated box system. In order to facilitate the connection and installation between the modules of the upper and lower unit rooms, a new type of unit room socket connection column-column joint is proposed. The joint realizes the connection between the upper and lower columns through bolts and sleeves. The vertical connection between the units should not be separated vertically under wind load and frequent earthquakes. Tensile tests were carried out on three full-scale joint specimens to analyze their failure modes, bolt shear distribution and tensile bearing capacity. The influence of grouting and the number of bolts on the bearing capacity of the joints was discussed. Based on the calculation method of the design value of the shear capacity of high-strength bolts in the existing literature, the design formula of the tensile strength of the new joint is proposed. A reliable numerical model was established, and the number of bolts and the diameter of bolts were analyzed. The parametric analysis results were compared with the formula calculation results.
The results show that under the axial load, the shear failure of high-strength bolt group occurs in all specimens. At the same time, the inner sleeve hole wall buckling occurs in the non-slurry joint specimens, and the local crushing phenomenon of grouting material occurs in the grouting joint specimens, accompanied by the bond failure between steel and grouting material interface. In the early stage of test loading, the shearing force of high-strength bolt group is large at the end and small at the center. In the later stage of loading, the shear force difference of high-strength bolt group decreases gradually. When the ultimate bearing capacity is reached, the shearing force of high-strength bolt group tends to be evenly distributed. The new joint relies on the shear resistance of high-strength bolts to bear the axial tensile load. The average shear bearing capacity of a single bolt is 76.9% higher than the calculated value of GB 50017-2017 Steel Structure Design Standard; After the grouting material is injected into the joint, the grouting material and the high-strength bolt work together, and the tensile bearing capacity is 14.1% higher than that of the non-slurry joint. The number of bolts increased from 3 to 5, and the tensile bearing capacity of the joint increased by 80.9% due to the increase of friction force and the decrease of shearing force of single bolt. With the increase of bolt diameter, the bolt pre-tightening force in the elastic stage increases, the contact area between the screw and the hole wall in the plastic stage increases, and the tensile bearing capacity of the joint increases. The error between the finite element parametric analysis results and the theoretical calculation results is controlled within 10%. The proposed joint tensile strength design formula accurately predicts the tensile bearing capacity of the new joint under axial tension, which provides a theoretical reference for practical engineering applications.-
Key words:
- module building /
- staking box system /
- column-column node /
- sleeve grouting /
- bolt quantity /
- parametric analysis
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