Simplified Calculation Model and Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Modular Prefabricated Steel Frame Structure
摘要: 模块化建筑作为预制程度最高的一种建筑结构体系,以其装配化程度高、施工速度快、环境干扰少、模块质量可控且隔声、防火、保温性能优良、可拆卸重复利用、绿色环保等显著优势成为建筑工业化的研究热点。我国在模块化建筑的研究与应用方面取得了一定成果,但针对模块化结构的研究大多集中在模块化节点和构件上,缺乏多高层模块结构在风、地震等荷载工况下的整体性能研究。为此,将对采用板式内套筒节点的模块化装配式钢框架进行整体结构的设计与分析,研究地震作用下结构的抗震性能。
为便于整体结构建模分析,根据模块间连接节点构造形式和传力特点对节点简化方式进行了研究,提出了模块化板式内套筒节点简化计算模型并与相应的实体模型做对比以进行合理性验证;采用MIDAS/Gen 2020建立模块化钢框架整体结构计算模型,对结构进行反应谱分析,并将计算结果与现行国家标准限值进行对比;研究了地震作用下模块化钢框架的结构动力响应,采用弹性及弹塑性时程分析法对结构进行抗震性能分析,探讨结构的屈服机制及塑性铰开展情况。
研究结果表明:1)提出的模块化节点简化计算模型与实体模型应力分布规律一致,破坏形态相同,二者破坏模式均为模块梁屈服,梁端产生塑性铰破坏,且两者的荷载-位移曲线相近,弹性阶段的刚度相差不大,简化模型的初始刚度约为实体模型的0.84~0.91倍,在相同荷载作用下,简化模型的位移变形更大;进入弹塑性阶段后,实体模型的屈服荷载和极限承载力均大于简化模型,验证了简化计算模型是合理且偏于安全的;2)反应谱分析得到的模块化钢框架结构的周期振型、顶点位移、层间位移角和应力比等相关力学性能指标均满足抗震设计要求,结构的用钢量为84.02 kg/m2,处在合理用钢量范围内,整体结构的设计是合理的;3)模块化钢框架结构的弹塑性分析表明,罕遇地震下大部分结构构件仍处在线弹性阶段,只有少量构件达到屈服,塑性铰主要集中在模块梁端且模块梁先于模块柱屈服,结构属于“强柱弱梁”体系,在罕遇地震下具有良好的抗震性能。Abstract: Modular building, as the most prefabricated building structure system, has become a hot research topic in the construction industrialization with its significant advantages such as high degree of assembly, fast construction speed, less environmental interference, controllable module quality, excellent sound insulation, fire prevention, and thermal insulation performance, removable reuse, green environmental protection and so on. China has made some achievements in the research and application of modular buildings, but mostly of which focuses on the modular joints and components, which lacks the research on the overall performance of multi-storey or high-rise modular structures under wind, earthquake and other load conditions. Therefore, the design and analysis of the whole structure of modular prefabricated steel frame with plate-inner sleeve joints was carried out to study the seismic performance of the structure under earthquake.
In order to facilitate the overall structural modeling and analysis, the simplified calculation models of the joints were studied according to the structural forms and force transfer characteristics of the joints between modules, and the simplified calculation models of the modular plate-inner sleeve joints were proposed and compared with the corresponding solid model for rationality verification; MIDAS/Gen 2020 was used to establish the calculation model of modular steel frame structure to carry out the response spectrum analysis, and the calculation results were compared with the current national standard limits; the structural dynamic response of modular steel frame under earthquake was studied, and the seismic performance of the structure was analyzed by elastic and elastic-plastic time-history to discuss the yield mechanism and development of plastic hinges.
The results show that:1) The stress distribution and failure modes of the simplified models are the same as those of the solid models, the failure modes of the two models are modular beam yielding and plastic hinges failure at the end of beam, and the load-displacement curves of that are similar. There is little difference in the stiffness in elastic stage, and the initial stiffness of the simplified model is about 0.84~0.91 times that of the solid model. Under the same load, the displacement and deformation of the simplified model are larger; after entering the elastic-plastic stage, the yield load and ultimate bearing capacity of the solid model are greater than those of the simplified model, which verifies that the simplified calculation model is reasonable and safe. 2) The relevant mechanical performance indexes of the modular steel frame structure obtained by response spectrum analysis, such as periodic mode, vertex displacement, story drift ratio and stress ratio meet the requirements of seismic design, and the steel consumption of the structure is 84.02 kg/m2, which is reasonable within the range of steel consumption. Therefore, the design of the whole structure is reasonable. 3) Through the elastic-plastic analysis, it is found that most of the structural components are still in the linear elastic stage under rare earthquakes, and only a few components reach yield.The plastic hinges are mainly concentrated at the end of the module beam, and the module beam yields before the module column, which indicates that the modular structure belongs to the system of "strong column and weak beam", and has good seismic performance under rare earthquake. -
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