Influence Analysis of Axial Compression Ratio on the Performance of Core-Grouted Assembled Thin-Walled Steel Tube-Reinforced Concrete Composite Shear Wall
摘要: 薄壁钢管灌芯混凝土剪力墙结构作为一种新型剪力墙体系,避免了装配式剪力墙抽芯困难的问题,同时用钢量增加不多,在提高生产效率的同时兼具十分良好的经济性。为研究轴压比对薄壁钢管灌芯混凝土剪力墙性能的影响,针对墙体高度为2 600 mm、截面尺寸为1 100 mm×200 mm的二级剪力墙试件进行数值模拟,试件按照整体建模,假定墙体上下两端与加载梁和基础梁固接。加载过程中,首先在模型顶部施加竖向均布荷载,试件顶部的水平位移由1.3 mm逐步加载至26.0 mm,有效模拟出试件从弹性受力阶段到最终达到失效的全过程。同时对比薄壁灌芯钢管剪力墙试件在轴压比0.3~0.5范围内试件的破坏形态和滞回性能的差别。
通过对不同模型的数值分析可以看出:5个试件最终破坏形态均属于压弯作用下大偏压构件的受弯破坏,在往复荷载作用下,模型靠近底部位置均出现水平方向较大的变形,最终因丧失承载力而导致破坏。根据模拟试件的应力云图,在往复荷载作用下,位于试件两端的薄壁钢管率先出现屈服,随后靠近底部两侧的薄壁钢管外部的混凝土开始达到其抗拉强度,从而薄壁钢管外侧的混凝土并逐步失效。在内侧的混凝土由于受到薄壁钢管的约束,使得试件可以继续承担荷载。薄壁钢管混凝土可以承受荷载反复作用,在模拟过程中薄壁钢管与管间混凝土没有出现剪切滑移的情况,而是保持一种稳定状态,使试件在受到竖向均布荷载作用的同时具备良好的塑性变形能力。模型滞回曲线均为比较饱满的梭形,无明显捏拢现象,并且随着轴压比的增加,薄壁钢管灌芯混凝土剪力墙试件滞回曲线包络的面积更大,呈现的梭形曲线更为饱满,耗散的能量更多,同时极限承载力有一定程度提高。从骨架曲线来看,当轴压比超过0.35后,随着轴压比增加,延性系数有所降低。根据各个模型的累积耗能系数情况可知,随着轴压比的增加,薄壁钢管混凝土剪力墙的耗能能力有一定提升。在轴压比0.3~0.5的情况下,薄壁钢管灌芯混凝土剪力墙延性系数均超过3.0,说明这种结构有很好的变形性能和延性性能,均可以满足抗震设计的要求。Abstract: As a new type of shear wall system, core-grouted assembled thin-walled steel tube-reinforced concrete composite shear wall avoids the difficulty of core pulling of assembly shear wall. Besides, the amount of steel is not increased much, which means it has a good economy while improving the production efficiency. In order to study the influence of axial compression ratio on the performance of thin-walled steel tube reinforced concrete shear wall, the shear wall specimens with the height are 2 600 mm and the section size is 1 100 mm×200 mm are simulated by numerical simulation. The whole specimens are modeled, and it is assumed that the upper and lower ends of the wall are fixed with the loading beam and foundation beam. The load process is applied to the top of the model with vertical uniform load, and the horizontal displacement at the top of the specimen is gradually loaded from 1.3 mm to 26.0 mm. The whole process from elastic force stage to failure is simulated effectively. The difference between failure modes and hysteresis performance of thin-walled steel tube-reinforced concrete composite shear wall in the range of axial compression ratio 0.3-0.5 is compared.
Through the numerical analysis of different models, it is found that the final failure modes of 5 specimens belong to the bending failure of large deflection members under the action of compression bending. Under the reciprocating load, the model near the bottom has a large horizontal deformation, which eventually results in failure due to loss of bearing capacity. According to the stress cloud diagram of the simulated specimens, the thin-walled steel tube at both ends of the test piece yields first, and then the concrete outside the thin-walled steel tube near the bottom begins to reach its tension strength, so the concrete outside the thin-walled steel tube gradually fails. The concrete inside is restrained by thin-walled steel tube, so the specimen can continue to bear the load. Thin-walled concrete-filled steel tube can bear repeated load. During the simulation process, there is no shear slip between thin-walled steel tube and concrete, to maintain a stable state, which makes the specimen have good plastic deformation ability while being subjected to vertical uniform load. The model hysteresis curves are full shuttle shapes, without obvious pinch up. With the increase of axial compression ratio, the envelope area of the hysteresis curve of thin-walled steel tube core filled concrete shear wall is larger, the shuttle curve presented is more fat, the energy dissipated is more, and the ultimate bearing capacity is improved to some extent. From the skeleton curve, when the axial compression ratio exceeds 0.35, with the increase of axial compression ratio, the ductility coefficient decreases. According to the cumulative energy consumption coefficient of each model, the energy consumption capacity of thin-walled concrete-filled steel tubular shear wall will be improved with the increase of axial compression ratio. Under the condition of axial compression ratio of 0.3-0.5, the ductility coefficient of thin-walled steel tube core filled concrete shear wall is more than 3.0, which shows that the structure has good deformation and ductility performance, which can meet the requirements of seismic design. -
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