绍兴国际会展中心一期B区工程1号展厅为韵律错台屋面造型,展厅无柱跨度72 m,钢结构及金属屋面系统设计、施工难度大;1号展厅要求当年开工、当年投用,工期异常紧张。针对项目难题,本工程充分利用EPC模式的特点,设计、施工主体共同参与设计方案会商,将准期要付要求、现场施工效率及跨专业的衔接配合作为设计管理的重点,对主体、屋面设计方案进行研究比选并付诸实施,取得了良好的效果。其具体内容为:
2)针对常规反打底板金属屋面系统施工效率低、施工安全性差、闭水时间晚的特点,创新性地提出一种"直铺大跨底板与檩条系统分离承重式构造"金属屋面系统,将屋面底板支承部件集成至主钢结构,减少屋面系统高空作业工序;利用高波钢承板跨跃4.5 m跨度直接正向铺设于钢结构完成面,改变传统金属屋面系统先檩条系统后底板的作业方式,大幅提升金属屋面系统作业效率及施工安全性;屋面底板与檩条系统分离承重,由屋面底板直接将构造层自重传递至主钢结构,提高主钢结构利用率,檩条系统仅支承屋面板,檩条系统受力小,用钢省;除屋面檩托外,无其他零部件穿透TPO防水层,使之形成真正的"两道防水",提升金属屋面防水效果。
本工程最终耗时112 d完成钢结构及金属屋面系统施工,相比同类项目工期缩短近4个月;工程目前顺利通过主体及屋面工程验收,实现准期交付并试投运,且钢结构工程获"中国建筑钢结构金奖",金属屋面工程获"中国建筑防水行业金禹奖金奖",并形成多项科技成果及专利技术,社会经济效益显著,体现了EPC模式的巨大优势,其一体化设计思想及实践可为类似工程建设提供有益借鉴。
The Exhibition Hall 1 of the Phase I Area B Project of Shaoxing International Convention and Exhibition Center has a rhythmic staggered roof with a non-column span of 72 meters.The design and construction of the steel structure and metal roof system are difficult,and the construction period of the Exhibition Hall 1 is extremely tight which is required to be constructed and put into use in the same year.To solve the problems,the project makes full use of the characteristics of EPC mode.The design and construction subjects participate in the design scheme consultation,in which the priority payment requirements,site construction efficiency and inter-professional cohesion are regarded as the key points of design management.The design schemes of the main body and metal roof are finally implemented after study and comparation,and good results are obtained:
1) In view of the large-span special-shaped architectural form,a long-span steel structure scheme suitable for the rhymic staggeredplatformroof is innovatively put forward through the comparison of two form-finding schemes,one of which is the form-finding of roof substructure,and the other one is form-finding of main steel structure.The giant truss is arranged at the staggered platform to improve the overall stiffness and structural efficiency of the roof,through which the organic combination of roof modeling and reliable structure is realized.The analysis and verification show that the structural scheme has strong bearing capacity and excellent seismic performance.The structure greatly reduces the difficulty of design and construction of metal roofs,which is economical,reliable,and beautiful.It lays a good foundation for ensuring the construction period of the project,and can provide a useful reference for the selection of similar (rectangular tooth shaped roof) structure schemes.
2) In view of the slope finding scheme of the main steel structure,in order to further improve the construction efficiency of the roof system,a comparison of the three schemes of reverse installation of metal roof floor,forward installation of overhead floor and forward installation of direct laying floor is conducted,a metal roof system with "separated load-bearing structure of long-span bottom plate and purlin system" is innovatively proposed.The high-wave steel bearing plate leap over the steel structure divisions with a span of 4.5 meters,and is directly laid on the completion surface of the steel structure,which changes the operation mode of the traditional metal roof system.The supporting components of roof bottom plate are integrated into the main steel structure to reduce the aerial working process of roof system.The operation efficiency and construction safety of the metal roof system are greatly improved.The roof bottom plate is separated from the purlin system,and the weight of the structural layer is directly transferred to the main steel structure from the roof bottom plate,so as to improve the utilization rate of the main steel structure.The purlin system bears small force and saves steel,which only supports the roof plate.In addition to the roof purlin,no other parts penetrate the TPO waterproof layer to form a real "two waterproofs" and improve the waterproof effect of metal roof.
The project eventually takes 112 days to complete the construction of steel structure and metal roof system,which is nearly 4 months shorter than that of similar projects.At present,the project,which reflects the great advantages of the EPC mode,has successfully passed the acceptance of the main body and roof engineering,and has achieved the scheduled delivery and trial operation.The project reflects the great advantages of the EPC model.